Everyone is born as a piece of blank paper intellectually and spiritually, I think. Hope you also agree, please don’t tell me that Churchill or FDR were born with the knowledge, ideas, skills and courage to lead their people and co-lead the free-world to win the WWII.
So if it is a piece of blank paper, how will it eventually to be filled fully with the thoughts, mindset, ideologies, opinions and biases and very differently from one to another other across the 7B population in the world today?
So who have/are/will form our mind and thinking? You may list as below:
- Your parents
- Your teachers
- Your mentors/coaches
- Your friends
- Your spouses/partners
- Your colleagues
- Books you read
- And the leaders you admire and follow.
All above are part of the right answer, while not the fully correct list, since you are missing the main ones forming your mind now — social media influencers you are following like YouTube/Facebook/Instagram/Podcast/LinkedIn people/channels. So take some time to open below lists:
Then my suggestion here is do a little bit research about these people on the above lists that you chose to let them influence you everyday, learn the journey how they became them will definitely help yourself to have better understanding about your mind-forming journey. Since at the end of the day, it’s nobody but YOU “selected” these man or woman to form your mind/thinking everyday.
By going deeper to understand the influencers behind your mind, you will have an opportunity to step back and look from an outsider’s view on how have you performed on your own mind —
A. Is it diversified enough, or have you built a perfect echo chamber for yourself?
B. Is it deep enough, or most of your online media consumption are for 5min dopamine release?
C. Is it forward looking or backward?
D. Are the majority of your influencers are positive-thinking or negative.
Enjoy being responsible for your own mind — the most essential responsibility for you to contribute to this highly complex, confusing and constantly changing world!